Hurdle #1
There are only problems in a process, if there is a bad OUTCOME
Process = "HOW"
Outcome = "SO WHAT"
Not all problems need to be addressed immediately
Build a framework to measure outcomes, KPIs and actual production.
Hurdle #2
Identifying problems needs to be systemic and continuous. You have to have 2 things:
People - great owners who care and understand business goals and outcomes
System - a reliable system to collect and understand incidents
Many problems go unseen to leadership and management. That's why promoting a culture of ownership and problem identification is incredibly important
That, and having a great system to do something with the problems collected is imperative.
Hurdle #3
The biggest mistake people make is treating the symptom, not the actual problem.
Include your team in the discovery process
Run a test scenario through the process before jumping into any conclusions.
It's easy to assume. Leaders at the top lack the ability to see all of the details and work out the kinks.
Collaborate with those who are 'boots on the ground' you'll be surprised of the patterns they see daily. (Just take a lesson from Undercover Boss)